Well I didn't see it so i'll explain that later. Well another week
that just flew by I don't see how/why time is going by so fast but hey I’ll
take it! This week was pretty good for doing missionary work, a ton of people
cancelled on us so that made it bad but we still taught 26 lessons? So with all
the rescheduling and such this week should be jam packed! We started walking to
save miles on the car and so we could talk to more new people during the day,
so we would walk to appointments etc and to set up later appointments and if
they didn't work out we would tract and street contact people. But we didn't
just go knocking on random doors as a matter of fact we knocked on 5 doors one
day and 4 of them said they would want us to come back and the other no one was
home at. The coolest part about it though is that there would be all these
different houses and we would both pick the same one at almost the exact same
time! Tracting by the spirit yo! Which brings me to the title of this email.
This lady that said we could come back said that she believes in God and Jesus
Christ but that the Bible is just a book of myths? And she also proceeded to
tell us for 15 minutes about the UFO that she saw when she was in her mid 30's
and we asked for her name and said you guys can just call me old granny haha
and that she is! We went to an Less active members sisters wedding at a Catholic
church and boy did we stick out but everyone was super friendly and wanted us
to stay longer but we had appointment to go to so we left. The less active has
a boyfriend that is interested and we have been teaching him and had a great
lesson with them yesterday and we bought pizza the day before from papa murphys
(you buy the pizza then take it home and bake it yourself) so we had dinner and
a lesson with them! Also I spoke in sacrament meeting yesterday on member
missionary work and it was awesome. I got on to the members just enough to get
the point across and they all came up to me afterward and said that was the
motivation they need and a bunch signed up to feed us saying that they will
have someone for us to teach which will be awesome! Well other than that just
your typical week. Well actually we went and did some service for some random
people and they were really into guns and one of them has a .50 caliber which
is a huge gun and bullet and he gave me two bullets for helping him, they are
SO HUGE! Gotta love red necks!
Elder Dees
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.50 caliber and ? |
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????? playing again ????? |
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To much time on his hands |
MOM: Hi Son,
I enjoyed the email. Glad you are working hard and trying to
motivate us lazy members to share the good news.
I hope your teaching appts are good for this upcoming week.
Do you need anything?
Elder N. Dees: PS: yeah send me some packages or something- my greenie is
getting tons of mail and its making me look bad!
Mom: Hey, I just reread my last email to
you. It came across like I was being mean but I didn't mean it to be
mean, I wanted it to be encouraging. I just think you are better than
that- How about a pic of your completed tooth. It they did a poor
job have them redo. It cost thousands and needs to look great. Lv
Elder N. Dees: I don’t care if you get onto me I’ll just ignore it - we both
know that (= but the tooth is done great I’ll send a picture next week.
Mom: ok, sounds good.
** ** ** **** *****
JUNE 25, 2012
JUNE 25, 2012
Hi Son, AKA: Elder Dees,
So much going on around here. How about there? How is the missionary work coming along? We actually have a baptism or two this coming Saturday!!!! One of the investigators had started with the sister missionaries and really missed them when they left the area but still attended regularly. The elders have been teaching her and finally said a couple of weeks ago that they had a baptism coming up and would she like to be baptized? She said, "yes, I think I'm ready!". They were thrilled as am I. She and her husband (who was less active till some months ago) are excited. I still haven't placed a Book of Mormon. Gotta do that! Gotta start rereading it myself. Been a slacker in that area. How is your reading coming along? Are you reading the Bible ( Old or New Testament) or the Book of Mormon or other studies? Our spiritual growth and testimonies grow and become firmer when we do. I have a testimony that the Book of Mormon is true! I love the spirit I feel when I read of the teachings found within. The Bible as well. I just wished I could understand it better. Hence, Sunday School, Sacrament Mtg, Gospel Doctrine, RS, etc. oh and prayer, don't forget prayer, helps me to understand the truths better. I pray often for you Elder Dees. I pray you will find comfort and happiness in following the teachings of Jesus Christ and God, The Father. Don't be fooled that life can bring fulfillment with living these teachings.
I had to give a talk in sacrament yesterday. It was on repentance. I know as we repent we can have a sweetness of spirit in our personal lives. The love of God is why we should repent, not because we get "caught", but because we love our Heavenly Father so much and that we want to once again return to his presence. That is why we should repent! Daily! And then, attend our mtgs, especially Sacrament Meeting, in order to partake of the sacrament and renew our baptismal covenants. I want to do better. I hope you will forgive me for not being a better mother at some times. I love you and am so very proud you are serving a mission. Elder Dees, I know it is not always easy. However, thank you for developing you faith and testimony to go out and serve. "Wherefore, go ye and preach my gospel, whether to the north or to the south, to the east or to the west, it mattereth not, for ye cannot go amiss." Doctrine and Covenants 80:3 Sound familiar :) .
So tell me how your training efforts are coming along. We received the letter that Pres. Cannon wrote to you stating that he has full confidence in your dedication, obedience, success and work ethic for this critical and important responsibility in the mission. I hope you are being "exemplary in every area of missionary service." Set aside everything else and use the remainder of you mission to serve---righteously! Use patience Elder Dees. Be compassionate.
We are having a tropical storm, Debbie, at present. We've had some good rain, high winds at times with more to come. I think tomorrow or Wed it will actually come on shore---RIGHT IN BAY COUNTY. It may even hit hurricane status. The southern part of Florida has had a fatality or two and some tornadoes, flooding, etc. Keep us in your prayers. I hope we fair well.
We are busy with cleans, mostly saturdays now. aarrrhhhh.
Haven't seen Michael in a few weeks.
Please let me know how you are and can I send you anything? Are you and comp getting meals?
We had our missionaries over last Tues. John wanted us to try a dish he had on his mission and perhaps you have too since it seems to be a western dish. Hawaiian Haystacks. The were great and our missionaries are from Utah so they are familiar with the dish and loved them. Yeah.
I love you and pray and fast for you!
Love---GRETCH~~~~ hahaha Thought you would like that but don't call me that! As I always tell ya, I'm you MOTHER, not gretch.
Love, mom.
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