Elder Dees w/Mission President-Pres. Cannon and his wife and Elder Dees first companion-Elder Kurtz

Elder Dees w/Mission President-Pres. Cannon and his wife and Elder Dees first companion-Elder Kurtz
Elder Dees w/President and Sister Cannon and first trainer / companion, Elder Kurtz

Monday, February 27, 2012

How Much You Wanna Bet I Can Throw A Football Over Them Mountains?

Here are the emails from the boys.  I'm proud of them.  


Hello Family and friends,
It’s Nick Dees and the weekly top Forty events from this week. Okay I don’t really have 40 things worth mentioning happen but I got quite a few.
Well this week went by really fast just as all the others have. Did a ton of teaching and stayed super busy and did a ton of service. This week we went again and picked up the bull calves (won't be doing that any more)  but I got kicked in the cheek by one when I was putting him up in the top of the trailer.  No bruise though! Also one of the mama hephers saw me picking up her calf and started freaking out and looked like she was ready to charge. I got quite a kick out of it ^___^. Chopped and split a ton of wood for an elderly man (who was away this week) so he wouldn’t have to climb the wood pile and split it himself. Also still paying for drinking so much otai (Oh-tie). Tongans know how to make good food but they also know how to clean out your system (; . We had Stake Conference yesterday and we had a member of the 70 come and it was really good. We got our new Stake President and our old one got his call to be a Mission President in the Provo Utah Mission. Other than that we have some investigators who we feel are really close to baptism and really hope they are before I leave the area ( if I get transferred ever ). Also this Thursday I go back to fruitland to get my tooth checked out to see if its time to put the post in yet. That’s all I can really think of.  Hope everyone back in FL is doing good. Take care!

Email conversation:
Elder Nicholas Dees:  That same guy said yeah we will be done by three because we had stuff to do, we didn’t get home until 6:40 and had dinner at 7. Dinner lived on a private street so the GPS didn’t know where to go so we got "directions" and by time we followed them we ended up in some guys crop field.  O.o whoops haha, that day we were so ticked but it happens. SD card-copy them to my little netbook there is PLENTY of space on there. I need the cards back soon. I'm about to fill this one up I have now. 

and the Otai is mango juice, shredded mango, coconut and other fruits all mixed together and fruit is a natural laxitive and in large amounts it cleans you out to da max!

Mom:  So is the guy a member or non-member that you all help out w.the bulls?

You are on a mission dear.  Learn to mature--prepare now and set aside the childish ways and then things will work great for you.  Learn from strong families out there.  I love you and I hope you know that.  I'll get the sd cards out soon  :)  I need a good pic of you, full length w/tag on for the map board in your room.  I need you to be a bit far off---you know, not to big or whatever. Do some of both.  I know your dad got you some sweaters (v-neck) that he was going to tell you about but he has been on the phone w/business.

Elder Nicholas Dees:  No, he is a recent convert that I baptized.  Coming out here I’m still the same person. I still have the spirit with me. I don’t let that stuff distract me. I know why I’m out here. To WORK and that’s what I do.
Email from Mom:

Hi Elder Dees'!

Forgive me but this will be a bit short.

I enjoy getting to hear from you two.  I'd love to hear you bear your testimonies sometime.  How are the studies coming?  Please use this time, daily, to enrich your minds with the effects of the atonement and restoration of the gospel.  That is the only way to teach.

This week has once again flown by.  Your dad has been very busy w/work and I guess the cleans are about to start full force.  I'm not ready but that doesn't count because it's that time of the year (spring break season). 

Your cousin Elder Bennett Maxwell got his reassignment till his visa is cleared to go to his Mexico Tijuana Mission. He's so excited about his mission.  Here is an excerpt of his email: "Ha I'm sure mom already told everyone, but I got temporarily reassigned to Colorado Springs! I'm way excited! Blake's house looks like its right outside the boundaries! Its a big mission and includes Oklahoma and a lot of Kansas too. So basically I prepared to go to one of the hottest cities in the world and I'm going to Colorado in the winter... Ha I will be needing some things like gloves, ear muffs or beanie, scarf, etc." 

We have a lot to do here at the house.  
What did you want me to do w/the sd cards?  I can't load one of them due to lack of room on the computer.  I would love some regular pictures of you.  In suit especially.     

The Voyles will be leaving at the end of this week.  Madison will be pretty sad for a while.

We have been getting a few new families in the ward recently.  We have grown!  I need to do missionary work.  ANY suggestions?  

Brother Shaun Roedels parents are here for a visit.  They are the members you met out there Nicholas. 

How are the investigators coming along?  Elder John Dees-how is the Zone Leader coming along?  Our missionaries here work hard.  They are good boys.  

I see you are on Elder John Dees.  

I'll be watching for you too Elder Nicholas Dees.

I love you.  We pray for you both. 

I love our Savior Jesus Christ and need to study and read more to so that I can become a better person.  

Relief Society is coming along ok.  Lots of sisters in the ward.  Some returning from being less-active so that is always a joy to see!!!!

Love,  Your mother!! --- who loves you both!!!!

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